Terms of Use

This page contains the “Terms of Use” under which you may use the site (lyrics-lk.com, www.lyrics-lk.com). It is important that you read this page carefully. If for any reason you do not agree with the terms stated here and do not accept them please do not continue to use the site or its features and services. By continuing to use the site you are indicating your acceptance to be bound by the Terms of Use/Service. This page maybe revised as the site implements new functionality and as such it is advised that you visit this page periodically to review the Terms of Use/Service.

This site (lyrics-lk.com, www.lyrics-lk.com) offers various functionality that enables visitors to search, view, add and modify content on the site primarily identified as “Song Lyrics”, “Lyrics”. Lyrics are identified on the site as a narration of spoken word often in a song like style or form which may or may not be accompanied by music. The site also makes additional functionality possible such as the ability to view related videos, save playlists, link content to other social networking sites and email content or links.

By using (lyrics-lk.com, www.lyrics-lk.com) you agree not to defeat, evade or circumvent any system or feature offered on (lyrics-lk.com, www.lyrics-lk.com). This includes but are not limited to, using email systems for spamming, adding invalid lyrics, modifying existing with invalid information. Spamming social networks with (lyrics-lk.com, www.lyrics-lk.com) links, hot linking to site content, abusing third party advertisements or attempting to cause malicious activity against the site such as hacking.