Dam Pata Hendawe Lyrics:Sachin and Rakitha Songs and Music in English

About Dam Pata Hendawe Song Lyrics

SongDam Pata Hendawe

Dam Pata Hendawe Lyrics

Sonduru seethala yaame
Obata lan wee rahase
Unusume hengeela
Paawemuda akase
Dam paata hendeawe,
Hiru basina me yaame
Sulange hepi dewatila
Piya nagamu lagatama wee

Hada gehena hema wele
Obawamai ma pathuwe
Hima kandakin sangawa
Ganna ba unusuma me
Aspiyan matha dewati, yannepa oba wenwe
Obe suwanda ma diwiye, husma se aetha lanwe..

Ambare rangira se naginu me peayuwe
Mal suwanda paradawala, suwanda obamai maage
Tharu rana se dilena, obe nethe aaloke
Obai mage sanda kinduriye, diwiya athi thek maage

Nethu ime paayala, inna ran tharuwa se
Sith hengum pubudala, lan wemuda me yame
Dedunna wetha piyama pata thawara sihine
Oba mage ma obage liyuma api ambaraye..

Sri Lankan Sinhala Song Music and Lyrics. Dam Pata Hendawe lyrics in english transliteration.

Sachin and Rakitha Dam Pata Hendawe lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. Lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.

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