LK Lyrics

Welcome to Lyrics LK a site dedicated to providing free lyrics for Sri Lankan songs.

Sri Lankan Song Lyrics

Lyrics LK is one of the largest Sri Lankan song lyrics websites on the web offering free Sinhala song lyrics. The website aspires to offer accurate lyrics while we continue to update and correct lyrics to existing Sinhala songs on the site.

The most unique aspects of the site compared to others is its phonemically search that lets you search the song name, artist name or lyrics in either English or Sinhalese, and the offering of lyrics in both Sinhalese language and English transliteration, so that many more can enjoy the beautiful songs of Sri Lanka.

Lyrics to Sri Lankan songs in Sinhala

You will be able to find lyrics to songs in the native Sinhalese language typed in sinhala unicode font.
Click here to access the Sinhala pages

Sinhala Lyrics in Enlgish

You will also be able to access most songs English transliteration if you cannot read Sinhalese text.