As Katha Kala Paye Lyrics:Udesh Indula Songs and Music in English

About As Katha Kala Paye Song Lyrics

SongAs Katha Kala Paye

As Katha Kala Paye Lyrics

As katha kala paye
Rahase hitha hora lan wune
Umuthuwenmen hade pem hengum bo kale
Senehase rendi suwe
Papuwata maha merak wage dene
Tharudeneth lan wela
Me hithin alluwe

Nathuwa ba mata oya
Snehe goda galanawa
Mata durin inna ba obawa nathiwa
As oya hoyanawa
Rata sihinen pawa ruwa mewi penawa
Obe senehe ganna ma winda ginna
Mathakaye thiyenawa..

Me paalu hith theere
Kandulin wehena
Sankawath wiyekila oba hinda hinehila
Pathu dathehi welila ma
Dura aethata piyambala
Oba ma hata himi wela aadare

Oba mage wee meda
Aadaren lan wela
Jeewithe arutha mata kiya dunnu
Aadare mage oya
Unuhume thaniwela
Wedana keti kala
Mage wela inna hema sasarakadima
Aadari mage oya

Sri Lankan Sinhala Song Music and Lyrics. As Katha Kala Paye lyrics in english transliteration.

Udesh Indula As Katha Kala Paye lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. Lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.

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